Contacts and Information

We have compiled a list of phone numbers for your convenience.

You may also contact us via our online form for all other requests.

Office Hours:
City Hall:
 7AM - 4PM Mon-Fri
City Clerk: 7AM - 4PM Mon-Fri
Water Department: 7AM - 4PM Mon-Fri
Catoosa Utility Department: 7AM-5PM Mon-Fri
Public Works Department:  6AM - 4:30PM Mon-Thurs
All other departments operate: 7AM-4PM Mon-Fri


Airport: (931) 484-5278 (KCSV)                                     
Catoosa Utility Department: (931) 277-5126     
City Clerk - Valerie Hale: (931) 456-5680

City Hall: (931) 484-5113
City Manager - Office: (931) 484-7060
Codes Enforcement: (931) 456-1830
Engineer - Tim Begley: (931) 456-6172
Finance Director: (931) 456-5991
Fire Chief - Mike Turner: (931) 456-6496
GIS/Planning: (931) 456-8464

Human Resources - Leah Crockett: (931) 456-5681
Maintenance - Steve Powell: (931) 484-7631
Meadow Park Lake - Marlene Potter: (931) 788-2034
Palace Theatre - Todd Olson: (931) 484-6133
Parks & Recreation - (931) 456-6632
Police Chief -(931) 484-1634
Police Department: (931) 484-7231
Public Works Department: (931) 484-7631
Stormwater: (931) 456-6947
Street Department
: (931) 484-7631
Property Taxes: (931) 484-5113
Wastewater Plant: (931) 484-6257
Water Department: (931) 484-5113
Water Filtration - Jerry Kerley: (931) 788-3353


City of Crossville

People need police, sanitation, education, fire protection, housing, public transportation. Together we are going to make Urbanus the place over the rainbow, where every person will have his dream life.

Peter Hershell