Maintenance Division (931-484-7631)
Steve Powell, Superintendent
- Performs maintenance on City owned buildings and recreational facilities, including litter pickup, grounds grooming, tree pruning, tree removal, mulching, mowing, cleaning the shelters and restrooms. The buildings and/or grounds that the maintenance department is responsible for are: Crossville City Hall, Public Safety, Public Works, Centennial Park, Garrison field, Meadow Park, Crossville Airport, Palace Theatre and Fire Stations.
- The maintenance department is responsible for mowing approximately 100 miles of City Right-of-Ways two times per year. The maintenance department is also responsible for mowing the grounds of the water tanks, pump stations, water plants, Miller Avenue and Highway 127N to I-40.
- Mechanical/vehicle maintenance of City owned automobiles, emergency vehicles, tractors and equipment.
The Maintenance Department oversees the City's Biodiesel program. The City has purchased a biodiesel distiller. Maintenance employees traveled to Alabama to obtain the equipment and attend a three (3) day training course. WCTE Live Green filmed a segment that illustrated the City's commitment to going green and how the Biodiesel program was one step toward that goal. The process begins with used cooking oil being picked up from local businesses and local drop off locations. A containment pad and bin was installed at the Cumberland County Recycling Center for cooking oil collection. That oil is then processed into an environmentally friendly, clean burning alternative fuel: Biodiesel. The City has currently produced and used 600 gallons of biodiesel fuel.