Planning Commission

Links and Information

Plat Review Application
Subdivision Regulations (March 1, 2013) PDF
Water & Sewer Line Extension Policy (PDF)
Urban Growth Boundary Map PDF
Major Thoroughfare Plan (2013) PDF
Agendas / Minutes / Live & Archived Audio

 Regular Scheduled Meeting for the Crossville Regional Planning Commission is at Noon on the third Thursday of the month in the fourth floor conference room in City Hall. Special Calls may be available upon request. Please contact Planning Staff for more information.

The DEADLINE for Plat and Variance Requests is 14 working days prior to the regularly scheduled meeting.

Subdivisions that are classified as "Simple" in the Crossville Regional Planning Commission Subdivision Regulations can be reviewed and approved In-House and does not require the submission to the Planning Commission.



Mike Moser, Chairman

Kevin Poore, Vice Chairman

Rob Harrison, Secretary

Greg Tabor

Gordon Atchley

Landon Headrick

Mayor James Mayberry


Planning Staff:

Kevin J. Dean, Local Planner  - 931.456.8464 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Malena Fisher, Administrative Assistant

City of Crossville

People need police, sanitation, education, fire protection, housing, public transportation. Together we are going to make Urbanus the place over the rainbow, where every person will have his dream life.

Peter Hershell