Utility Maintenance


Utility Maintenance Division

Billy Martin, Utility Maintenance Superintendant

  • Installation/Maintenance of water lines.  Maintenance of the water lines consists of leak repair, flushing of dead end lines, inspection of new lines, raising meter boxes and valve boxes, changing service lines and construction of water taps (3/4" – 12").  There are over 200 miles of water line that the utility division maintains.
  • Read and maintain approximately 7,500 water meters monthly.
  • Locate water and sewer lines for Tennessee One Call.
  • Installation/Maintenance of low pressure sewer lines.  There are over 50 miles of low pressure sewer lines within the City.
  • Maintain approximately 650 fire hydrants within the City and approximately 180 fire hydrants outside the City.
  • Service/Maintenance of grinder pumps.  This includes 2 inspections at the time of installation and an annual  maintenance of every residential pump in the City.  Maintenance of the grinder pumps consists of pump motor rebuilds, bearing replacements, seal replacements, electrical component replacement/repair.
  • Utility maintenance is responsible for the digging and covering of graves at City Cemetery.  Utility maintenance also maintains the grounds at City Cemetery.
  • Cross connection program which includes testing of backflow prevention devices.

City of Crossville

People need police, sanitation, education, fire protection, housing, public transportation. Together we are going to make Urbanus the place over the rainbow, where every person will have his dream life.

Peter Hershell