Police Department


Crossville Police Department

115 Henry St.

Crossville, TN 38555

Phone: (931) 484-7231

Fax:     (931) 707-8391


Office Hours:

Mon-Fri 7:30am - 4:30pm

 Chief Brooks

Chief: Jessie Brooks

1a Crimestoppers Button 

2a About Us Button 

3a Crash Reports button 

4a Current Events Button 

5a Upcoming Events Button 

6a Officer Awards Button 

7a Training Button 





 Mission Statement

The Crossville Police Department is committed to improving the quality of life, promoting peace and resolving problems through an ongoing, working partnership with our community.

Core Values

Values are statements of standards and beliefs most important to the employees of our agency and our community in achieving our mission. The following list represents the core values of the Crossville Police Department.

  • We believe law enforcement and the community share responsibility for crime control and public safety.

  • We subscribe to the principal that services will be delivered in a manner that preserves and upholds democratic values within our neighborhoods.

  • We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, professionalism and service to the community.

  • We are committed to reducing crime through aggressive enforcement with an emphasis on education and prevention.

  • We recognize and support the principle that the public has a right to be informed about law enforcement operations.

  • We believe in working collaboratively with neighborhoods to better understand the nature of neighborhoods problems and to develop meaningful and cooperative strategies to address them.

  • We are committed to managing the public's resources in the most efficient and effective manner possible.

  • We are committed to the belief that neither age, gender, social status, race nor religion diminishes entitlement to fair and equitable treatment.

  • We recognize our members to be the greatest and most important asset of the agency.






The Crossville Police Department is partnered with the Avalon Center for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Visit their website for information on how to protect yourself, someone you may know, or someone who might benefit from their FREE services.

LOGO avalon

  If you or someone you know is in or has been in a domestic violence relationship or has been sexually assaulted please call Avalon's 24 hour crisis line at 1-800-641-3434 where there is always an advocate waiting to assist.  The Avalon Center provides services to help victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault at NO COST.  Call Avalon if you feel like you are victim and need some help.  All of our services are free and confidential!




City of Crossville

People need police, sanitation, education, fire protection, housing, public transportation. Together we are going to make Urbanus the place over the rainbow, where every person will have his dream life.

Peter Hershell