Downtown Crossville Renovation

More information is forthcoming. It is the intention of the City of Crossville to provide regular updates on schedules and progress on the downtown improvement project. In the coming weeks, more information will be available here.

The City is conducting a test of this web page.  The information that follows is NOT to be considered accurate, the data is FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY.

For answers to frequently asked questions, click here


Project Status Map Test

Up To Date Short Term Schedule
The contractor will finish installing the crab orchard in the side walk on the west side of Main Street between Lantana Road and Stanley Street the week of May 25, 2014. It is anticipated that they will finalize this block by completing the irrigation and landscaping around February 20, 2015.
Demolition will begin the week of May 25, 2014 on the West side of Main Street between Stanley Street and First Street. It is anticipated that the major construction will be finished by July 10, 2014 and the demolition on the block of First Street to Second Street will start.


Click image for larger view


Click here for latest project schedule


Schedules are updated monthly, latest update is 1/27/14

This is a Test Page


Up To Date Short Term Schedule

The contractor will finish installing the crab orchard in the side walk on the west side of Main Street between Lantana Road and Stanley Street the week of May 25, 2014. It is anticipated that they will finalize this block by completing the irrigation and landscaping around February 20, 2015.

Demolition will begin the week of May 25, 2014 on the West side of Main Street between Stanley Street and First Street. It is anticipated that the major construction will be finished by July 10, 2014 and the demolition on the block of First Street to Second Street will start.






This link is for the Latest Project Schedule

Update Monthly

Last Update January 27, 2014

City of Crossville

People need police, sanitation, education, fire protection, housing, public transportation. Together we are going to make Urbanus the place over the rainbow, where every person will have his dream life.

Peter Hershell